헬리콥터로 도쿄 야경을 체험하세요!
합리적인 가격! 22분 도쿄 야간 관광

비행 시간


star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

star_rating_image 4.9 13 리뷰

가격(세금 포함)/ 플라이트

89,800 ~ 119,900 JPY


1823의 승객이 탑승했습니다!

헬리콥터를 타는 이유는 무엇인가요?

헬리콥터로 도쿄의 야경을 감상하며 도쿄 스카이트리로 일직선으로 갑니다. 도쿄의 동부 지역을 크루즈 한 후, 도쿄 스카이트리를 옆에서 즐길 수 있습니다. 적은 예산으로도 22분의 나이트 투어를 체험할 수 있는 합리적인 플랜입니다.

star_rating_image 4.913 리뷰

5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Such a smooth take off and landing. It was such a comfortable ride with breath taking views! We could talk to each other, take videos and pictures. The sunset was perfect. Best birthday surprise.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was my first helicopter ride to celebrate my 60th birthday! I arrived early, but the staff were very kind and I enjoyed myself until the very end. I was surprised at how smooth the landing was without any shaking. The flight started at 5:30pm and lasted 22 minutes, so I was glad I could see the sunset and the night view (^^) I was so touched by my daughter's surprise! Thank you very much (*^^*)


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was the first helicopter in my life to celebrate my 60th birthday! I came early, but the person in charge responded well and had a good time to the end. The landing was smooth without shaking and I was surprised. The flight from 17:30 to 22 minutes was good because I could see from the sunset to the night view (^^) I was impressed by my daughter's surprise! Thank you (*^^*)


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Great and amazing trip,love it so much!thank you for your arrangement


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was a birthday present and we had a wonderful time. The staff was really friendly and while waiting we could sit in a warm car. We received a good safety introduction so everything was great and no reason to worry. The tour had a great lengths and we could even see the Fuji in the distance. We enjoyed the view at the city. the Skytree but even our neighborhood. Thanks to the course the pilot was flying we had so many different views to enjoy. After back on the ground it felt so unreal to us.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Great and amazing trip.love it so much!thank you for your arrangement



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Gentle and great maneuvering. It was soothing. They were kind and courteous.



4.9 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Very nice and experienced!People are really nice! If they could also add someone more fluent in English that would be even better.The flight time was a bit shorter than it says on the website. And I guess if I come without my Japanese friend I wouldn't be able to communicate that fast and easy with the staff (only with the pilot).



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

The Pilot was very nice and experienced! People are really nice! If they could also add someone more fluent in English that would be even better.



4.5 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was a safe flight. Parking lot entrance is difficult to find.



4.5 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions about altitude and approximate location. The only thing is that the volume on the headphones was so low that it was hard to hear, so it would have been nice to have some kind of call test before takeoff. The staff were all very kind and courteous and the child we took was very happy.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

They were very gentle with me. They explained everything to me and it was easy to understand. It was my first time to ride and it was a good memory! I was worried because I came alone from Shizuoka prefecture, but the staff was very kind and helped me relax and enjoy the ride. Thank you!



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Both the pilot and staff will explain everything to you in detail.



도쿄 스카이 트리

가용성 확인


1823의 승객이 탑승했습니다!

저녁 플랜도 있습니다
가용성 확인 버튼을 클릭하세요.

플랜 상세

헬리콥터로 도쿄의 야경을 감상하며 도쿄 스카이트리로 일직선으로 갑니다. 도쿄의 동부 지역을 크루즈 한 후, 도쿄 스카이트리를 옆에서 즐길 수 있습니다. 적은 예산으로도 22분의 나이트 투어를 체험할 수 있는 합리적인 플랜입니다.


1823의 승객이 탑승했습니다!

많은 고객님께서 호평해 주셨습니다!


저녁 플랜도 있습니다!

가용성 확인 버튼을 클릭하세요.

항공 요금

비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 89,800 JPY~(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 30,000 JPY~ /자리
2명 44,900 JPY~ /자리
1명 89,800 JPY~ /자리
비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 89,800 JPY~(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 30,000 JPY~ /자리
2명 44,900 JPY~ /자리
1명 89,800 JPY~ /자리

항공 요금

비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 89,800 JPY~(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 30,000 JPY~ /자리
2명 44,900 JPY~ /자리
1명 89,800 JPY~ /자리
비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 89,800 JPY~(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 30,000 JPY~ /자리
2명 44,900 JPY~ /자리
1명 89,800 JPY~ /자리

인스타그램에서 팔로우하세요!!

자세한 내용


도쿄 스카이 트리

  • 집합 장소

    후나바시 헬리포트

  • 주소

    〒 273-0853 후나바시 헬리포트, 치바 현 후나바시시 카나스기 1-14

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    후나바시 역/케이세이 후나바시 역(JR 소부 라인/케이세이 본선)

    이 역에서 택시로 약 15분 소요

    차로 이동

    케이요 고속도로 하나와 IC에서 약 15분 소요

    공항 주차장이 있습니다. 차량 등록 번호를 사전에 알려주시면 무료로 주차할 수 있습니다. 문의하십시오.

꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

장미 12송이 ~ 108송이


큰 꽃다발


계절 꽃다발


서프라이즈 방법


GoPro 대여

비행에서의 추억을 남기고 싶으세요? 우리는 SD 카드를 제공하여 비행 당일에 데이터를 가져가실 수 있습니다.


차량 대여 픽업 및 드롭 서비스

헬리포트로의 여행을 특별한 추억으로 만들어 보세요. 비행 전후에는 개인 운전사가 공항으로 이동해 드립니다.
* 다른 지역으로 이동을 원하시는 경우 연락해 주세요.


비행에서의 추억을 남기고 싶으세요? 우리는 SD 카드를 제공하여 비행 당일에 데이터를 가져가실 수 있습니다.


꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

100 송이의 장미 꽃다발
100%의 사랑
12 송이의 장미 꽃다발
40 송이의 장미 꽃다발
진실한 사랑
108 송이의 장미 꽃다발
99+1 송이의 장미 꽃다발
기내 1송이 + 착륙 후 99송이, 서프라이즈 연출에 사용하세요!
큰 꽃다발
시즌의 꽃다발

헬리포트로의 여행을 특별한 추억으로 만들어 보세요. 비행 전후에는 개인 운전사가 공항으로 이동해 드립니다.
* 다른 지역으로 이동을 원하시는 경우 연락해 주세요.

차량 취소 정책

비행 전날 오후 6:00 이후 : 환불 불가
비행 취소 시 : 전액 환불
  • 집합 장소

    후나바시 헬리포트

  • 주소

    〒 273-0853 후나바시 헬리포트, 치바 현 후나바시시 카나스기 1-14

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    후나바시 역/케이세이 후나바시 역(JR 소부 라인/케이세이 본선)

    이 역에서 택시로 약 15분 소요

    차로 이동

    케이요 고속도로 하나와 IC에서 약 15분 소요

    공항 주차장이 있습니다. 차량 등록 번호를 사전에 알려주시면 무료로 주차할 수 있습니다. 문의하십시오.


타인/승객 법적 책임 보험세부사항

아래의 운항 업체들,

타쿠미 항공 기업


운항 항공사가 날씨 등으로 비행을 취소할 경우, 운임 전액을 환불합니다(은행 송금 수수료 제외).
조종사가 승인하고 날씨 조건이 지정된 기준을 충족하는 한 비행이 출발됩니다.

아래와 같은 방법으로 결제할 수 있습니다

날씨 불량 등으로 인한 결항 :전액 환불
여행 예정일 10일 전부터 8일 전까지 연락 :20%
여행 예정일 7일 전부터 2일 전까지 연락 :30%
여행 예정일 1일 전까지의 연락 :40%
여행 시작 당일에 취소하는 경우 :50%
여행 시작 후의 취소 또는 무통보 불참 :100%

단, 악천후 등으로 인해 항공편이 불가능한 경우에는 예외로 합니다.

*2024년 9월 2일에 취소 정책이 수정되었습니다.

【일정 변경】

여행 예정일 4일 전까지 변경 가능 (수수료 없음) ※1회에 한함

여행 예정일 3일 전 이후에는 취소 정책에 따라 수수료가 발생합니다.

총 무게 제한

: 220kg (수하물 포함)

인당 최대

: 110kg

화물 공간이 부족하여, 수화물은 무릎에 올려야 합니다.

문의 양식을 통해 단체 예약을 접수합니다.

4.9 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 13 리뷰
4.9 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 13 리뷰
  • 2403310228
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-03-31
  • 성별  

Such a smooth take off and landing. It was such a comfortable ride with breath taking views! We could talk to each other, take videos and pictures. The sunset was perfect. Best birthday surprise.

  • 2402290266
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-02-29
  • 성별  

It was my first helicopter ride to celebrate my 60th birthday! I arrived early, but the staff were very kind and I enjoyed myself until the very end. I was surprised at how smooth the landing was without any shaking. The flight started at 5:30pm and lasted 22 minutes, so I was glad I could see the sunset and the night view (^^) I was so touched by my daughter's surprise! Thank you very much (*^^*)

  • 2402290155
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-02-29
  • 성별  

It was the first helicopter in my life to celebrate my 60th birthday! I came early, but the person in charge responded well and had a good time to the end. The landing was smooth without shaking and I was surprised. The flight from 17:30 to 22 minutes was good because I could see from the sunset to the night view (^^) I was impressed by my daughter's surprise! Thank you (*^^*)

  • 2401310285
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-01-31
  • 성별  

Great and amazing trip,love it so much!thank you for your arrangement

  • 2401310156
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-01-31
  • 성별  

It was a birthday present and we had a wonderful time. The staff was really friendly and while waiting we could sit in a warm car. We received a good safety introduction so everything was great and no reason to worry. The tour had a great lengths and we could even see the Fuji in the distance. We enjoyed the view at the city. the Skytree but even our neighborhood. Thanks to the course the pilot was flying we had so many different views to enjoy. After back on the ground it felt so unreal to us.

  • 2401310157
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-01-31
  • 성별  

Great and amazing trip.love it so much!thank you for your arrangement

  • 2305110111
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-05-11
  • 성별  man

Gentle and great maneuvering. It was soothing. They were kind and courteous.

  • 2304190112
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.9
  • 탑승일 2023-04-19
  • 성별  man

Very nice and experienced!People are really nice! If they could also add someone more fluent in English that would be even better.The flight time was a bit shorter than it says on the website. And I guess if I come without my Japanese friend I wouldn't be able to communicate that fast and easy with the staff (only with the pilot).

  • 2304170061
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-04-17
  • 목적  Birthday
  • 나이  20님의
  • 성별  woman

The Pilot was very nice and experienced! People are really nice! If they could also add someone more fluent in English that would be even better.

  • 2303280059
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.5
  • 탑승일 2023-03-28
  • 목적  還暦祝い
  • 나이  60님의
  • 성별  man

It was a safe flight. Parking lot entrance is difficult to find.

  • 2302260057
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.5
  • 탑승일 2023-02-26
  • 목적  デート
  • 나이  50님의
  • 성별  man

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions about altitude and approximate location. The only thing is that the volume on the headphones was so low that it was hard to hear, so it would have been nice to have some kind of call test before takeoff. The staff were all very kind and courteous and the child we took was very happy.

  • 2301060060
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-01-06
  • 목적  記念
  • 나이  50님의
  • 성별  woman

They were very gentle with me. They explained everything to me and it was easy to understand. It was my first time to ride and it was a good memory! I was worried because I came alone from Shizuoka prefecture, but the staff was very kind and helped me relax and enjoy the ride. Thank you!

  • 2212160058
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2022-12-16
  • 목적  デート
  • 나이  50님의
  • 성별  man

Both the pilot and staff will explain everything to you in detail.

여행 조건

최소 출발 인원 1명
기획・실시 일반사단법인 일본여행업협회 정회원
도쿄도 지사 등록 여행업 제2-7428호
〒102-0083 5F WeWork Kojimachi, Banchokoujimachi Building, 6-6-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

가용성 확인
