Helicopter cruising to and from Makuhari
25-minute Sky Tree observation plan!

비행 시간


star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

star_rating_image 4.8 12 리뷰

가격(세금 포함)/ 플라이트

110,000 JPY


44의 승객이 탑승했습니다!

헬리콥터를 타는 이유는 무엇인가요?

Cruising the night view of the Tokyo-Chiba coast by helicopter. A 25-minute helicopter tour around Kaihin Makuhari, Tokyo Skytree, etc. You can fly over the Tokyo coastline at night, which is beautifully lit up.

star_rating_image 4.812 리뷰

5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

First helicopter experience in Tokyo Less popular itinerary But it’s really recommended See Tokyo from a different perspective It is very beautiful We have a morning flight The scenery is beautiful If you want to experience the night view next time


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

I used it for a proposal! The staff guided me and explained everything in detail, so I was able to fly with peace of mind! It was a surprise, but the service was great! The night view of Tokyo was an experience that you can't get from a photo or video! I'd like to use it again if I have the chance.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

That’s so amazing! We’re so enjoy of it! Recommend to everyone join this! We will be back to do other activities and share to friends


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

I had a very great experience, bought tickets on the same day for very cheap, the staff was super helpful, we came a bit too soon and they let us on the helicopter sooner, they helped us and guided us through all the steps. The pilot explained the full route and showed us around, he was great with very good English. The flight itself seemed very long even though it only was around 25 minutes, we had a specific route in mind and the pilot flew it perfectly. Very great experience, the staff again took a few pictures of us in front of the helicopter 10/10


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Great service! What an experience! The staff are nice and accommodating! They take good photos too. The views are incredible! It’s really worth to try once in your life!


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

I was surprised and upset at first, but the staff spoke to me in a reassuring manner. It was my first time seeing the Skytree and Tokyo Tower from a helicopter, and I was really impressed. Thank you so much to all the staff for being so kind to me!


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

This is my first time to experience taking a helicopter, which allows me to overlook the beautiful scenery of the entire Tokyo city. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will do it again and choose a different route


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Tokyo night view is wonderful. The staff is very kind. I can see Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo TV Tower. They are very good. I recommend 25min flight rather than 22min. I want to do it again!


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

The views of the city we traveled were amazing! Worth traveling to the meetup location for this experience.


4.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

I am a student and I travelled to Tokyo with my parents. The helicopter is a bit noisy but it is great to see the whole view of Tokyo.


4.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

The ride was great and the staff were wonderful, but the directions to the Funabashi helipad had us driving around in circles. Definitely worth the effort, but plan your trip carefully!


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

super friendly stuff, very nice tour, totally worth the trip! the view is breathtaking, the feeling of flying really exciting.


가용성 확인


44의 승객이 탑승했습니다!

플랜 상세

Cruising the night view of the Tokyo-Chiba coast by helicopter. A 25-minute helicopter tour around Kaihin Makuhari, Tokyo Skytree, etc. You can fly over the Tokyo coastline at night, which is beautifully lit up.


44의 승객이 탑승했습니다!

많은 고객님께서 호평해 주셨습니다!

항공 요금

비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 110,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 36,700 JPY /자리
2명 55,000 JPY /자리
1명 110,000 JPY /자리
비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 110,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 36,700 JPY /자리
2명 55,000 JPY /자리
1명 110,000 JPY /자리

항공 요금

비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 110,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 36,700 JPY /자리
2명 55,000 JPY /자리
1명 110,000 JPY /자리
비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 110,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 36,700 JPY /자리
2명 55,000 JPY /자리
1명 110,000 JPY /자리

인스타그램에서 팔로우하세요!!

자세한 내용

  • 집합 장소

    치바 만 코스트 헬리포트

  • 주소

    〒 261-0002 치바 현 치바 시 미하마 구 신코 237

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    이나게 해변 공원 근처

꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

장미 12송이 ~ 108송이


큰 꽃다발


계절 꽃다발


서프라이즈 방법


GoPro 대여

비행에서의 추억을 남기고 싶으세요? 우리는 SD 카드를 제공하여 비행 당일에 데이터를 가져가실 수 있습니다.


비행에서의 추억을 남기고 싶으세요? 우리는 SD 카드를 제공하여 비행 당일에 데이터를 가져가실 수 있습니다.


꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

100 송이의 장미 꽃다발
100%의 사랑
12 송이의 장미 꽃다발
40 송이의 장미 꽃다발
진실한 사랑
108 송이의 장미 꽃다발
99+1 송이의 장미 꽃다발
기내 1송이 + 착륙 후 99송이, 서프라이즈 연출에 사용하세요!
큰 꽃다발
시즌의 꽃다발
  • 집합 장소

    치바 만 코스트 헬리포트

  • 주소

    〒 261-0002 치바 현 치바 시 미하마 구 신코 237

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    이나게 해변 공원 근처


타인/승객 법적 책임 보험세부사항

아래의 운항 업체들,

마쿠하리 항공사


운항 항공사가 날씨 등으로 비행을 취소할 경우, 운임 전액을 환불합니다(은행 송금 수수료 제외).
조종사가 승인하고 날씨 조건이 지정된 기준을 충족하는 한 비행이 출발됩니다.

아래와 같은 방법으로 결제할 수 있습니다

날씨 불량 등으로 인한 결항 :전액 환불
여행 예정일 10일 전부터 8일 전까지 연락 :20%
여행 예정일 7일 전부터 2일 전까지 연락 :30%
여행 예정일 1일 전까지의 연락 :40%
여행 시작 당일에 취소하는 경우 :50%
여행 시작 후의 취소 또는 무통보 불참 :100%

단, 악천후 등으로 인해 항공편이 불가능한 경우에는 예외로 합니다.

*2024년 9월 2일에 취소 정책이 수정되었습니다.

【일정 변경】

여행 예정일 4일 전까지 변경 가능 (수수료 없음) ※1회에 한함

여행 예정일 3일 전 이후에는 취소 정책에 따라 수수료가 발생합니다.

총 무게 제한

: 220kg (수하물 포함)

인당 최대

: 110kg

화물 공간이 부족하여, 수화물은 무릎에 올려야 합니다.

문의 양식을 통해 단체 예약을 접수합니다.

4.8 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 12 리뷰
4.8 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 12 리뷰
  • 2408310214
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-08-31
  • 성별  

First helicopter experience in Tokyo Less popular itinerary But it’s really recommended See Tokyo from a different perspective It is very beautiful We have a morning flight The scenery is beautiful If you want to experience the night view next time

  • 2404300199
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-04-30
  • 성별  

I used it for a proposal! The staff guided me and explained everything in detail, so I was able to fly with peace of mind! It was a surprise, but the service was great! The night view of Tokyo was an experience that you can't get from a photo or video! I'd like to use it again if I have the chance.

  • 2404300219
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-04-30
  • 성별  

That’s so amazing! We’re so enjoy of it! Recommend to everyone join this! We will be back to do other activities and share to friends

  • 2404300226
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-04-30
  • 성별  

I had a very great experience, bought tickets on the same day for very cheap, the staff was super helpful, we came a bit too soon and they let us on the helicopter sooner, they helped us and guided us through all the steps. The pilot explained the full route and showed us around, he was great with very good English. The flight itself seemed very long even though it only was around 25 minutes, we had a specific route in mind and the pilot flew it perfectly. Very great experience, the staff again took a few pictures of us in front of the helicopter 10/10

  • 2402290264
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-02-29
  • 성별  

Great service! What an experience! The staff are nice and accommodating! They take good photos too. The views are incredible! It’s really worth to try once in your life!

  • 2402290265
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-02-29
  • 성별  

I was surprised and upset at first, but the staff spoke to me in a reassuring manner. It was my first time seeing the Skytree and Tokyo Tower from a helicopter, and I was really impressed. Thank you so much to all the staff for being so kind to me!

  • 2402290255
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-02-29
  • 성별  

This is my first time to experience taking a helicopter, which allows me to overlook the beautiful scenery of the entire Tokyo city. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will do it again and choose a different route

  • 2401310287
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-01-31
  • 성별  

Tokyo night view is wonderful. The staff is very kind. I can see Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo TV Tower. They are very good. I recommend 25min flight rather than 22min. I want to do it again!

  • 2312310309
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-12-31
  • 성별  

The views of the city we traveled were amazing! Worth traveling to the meetup location for this experience.

  • 2012310328
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.0
  • 탑승일 2020-12-31
  • 성별  

I am a student and I travelled to Tokyo with my parents. The helicopter is a bit noisy but it is great to see the whole view of Tokyo.

  • 2009300329
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.0
  • 탑승일 2020-09-30
  • 성별  

The ride was great and the staff were wonderful, but the directions to the Funabashi helipad had us driving around in circles. Definitely worth the effort, but plan your trip carefully!

  • 2001310330
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2020-01-31
  • 성별  

super friendly stuff, very nice tour, totally worth the trip! the view is breathtaking, the feeling of flying really exciting.

여행 조건

최소 출발 인원 1명
기획・실시 일반사단법인 일본여행업협회 정회원
도쿄도 지사 등록 여행업 제2-7428호
〒102-0083 5F WeWork Kojimachi, Banchokoujimachi Building, 6-6-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

가용성 확인
