Baggage that may cause danger or inconvenience to aircraft, personnel, etc., is prohibited by law from being transported on airplanes.
Carry-on baggage
Maximum Html
(Note) 1) Mass and capacity are positive mass and net capacity.
2) Deposit baggage is a property that outsources the passenger to those who run the aviation transport business before boarding the aircraft.
3) For properties containing multiple dangerous goods, follow all the applicable items.
4) Among the properties in the table, it is an electronic device with a built -in lithium battery and the battery, so it is not suitable for normal use by the manufacturer because heat, fire or short circuit may progress to dangerous state. What is done should meet the following conditions.
A) Make it a carry -on baggage.
B) To be placed under the monitoring of a portable passenger. C) The power is turned off.
D) Do not charge within the aircraft.
E) Measures to prevent unexpected operation and be protected so as not to be damaged."