도쿄 헬리 크루징 15분
힘찬 도쿄 스카이 트리와 다리 돌아보기

비행 시간


star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

가격(세금 포함)/ 플라이트

69,300 JPY

/편 (최대 3 명 탑승 가능)

※많은 성원에 따라 장비가 변경될 수 있습니다


1224의 승객이 탑승했습니다!


파일럿 추천! 가성비 최고! 도쿄 상공을 합리적인 가격에 헬리콥터로 즐길 수 있습니다. 도쿄 타워, 도쿄 스카이 트리, 레인보우 브리지 등 주요 관광 명소가 가까이에서 볼 수 있습니다!

star_rating_image 4.913 리뷰

5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was an incredible flight! Beautiful views, stunning day luckily for our helicopter ride. The pilot accidentally only did a 10 minute flight but once we landed we didn’t care as it was as such an amazing experience but they offered to take us back up for the full 15 minutes again! We accepted and had an awesome experience, would highly recommend. Staff were so lovely and understanding of our poor Japanese speaking skills.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Amazing! Very professional and friendly staff. Smooth flight and breathtaking views over the city. I would recommend it everyone who wants to experience something unique.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Excellent tour in Japan. Officers are nice and kind. The pilot is proficient and he flew the helicopter very steadily. Strongly recommend!


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was refreshing to see the skyscrapers of Tokyo, Tokyo Tower, the Imperial Palace, and the Skytree, all of which looked like a diorama. The female pilot was engaged in serious discussions with the control tower, and I felt reassured that she was driving safely. Thank you very much.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

I was able to see the Skytree up close. It was great to be able to experience things you can't really understand without riding it, like perspective and acceleration. The staff were very kind, and I was able to ride the helicopter with peace of mind. I was very satisfied.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

I was able to see the Sky Tree up close. It was good to have an experience that you can not understand unless you ride it, such as perspective and acceleration. The staff were very kind and were able to ride a helicopter with confidence. I am very satisfied.


5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

I was worried about motion sickness, but it was very stable and I wasn't scared, so I was able to enjoy it. He may have been a very good pilot. Being able to take photos and videos freely was also a great feature! Next time I would like to book a flight with a night view.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was wonderfull, it was our first helicopter flight and we enjoyed every second of it! The view was marvelous. The weather was our Main concern, but the little Rain we had was no issue. The pilot was very professional and we never had any fear or concerns. Also the straff was very nice and forthcoming.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Great experience end-to-end.

1. Clear website. I was surprised how booking was super easy and the team was so responsive. Provided clear guidance on email. Impressed.

2. On the day, the staff who greeted and bried us were warm and kind throughout the process.

3. The journey felt safe with an experienced pilot. We were guided throughout the tour on the sights we shouldn't miss.

Great experience for an affordable price. We'll book again for a night tour one day!
I booked this for my husband's birthday and he is so happy with this experience!!!
Please thank all the staff and pilot for us!!!



4.9 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

This was my first time flying and the ride was comfortable and not at all bumpy as I expected. It was great to be able to sit next to the pilot as well. My passenger was very happy. Thank you very much.



4.9 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

It was cheaper than others I had researched and easier to get in touch with on line. I had the feeling that the travel-loving types might be just as pleased with the travel experience. I was nervous when we arrived at the heliport because of the tight security, but the person who was in charge of us until we boarded explained everything to the beginners in a way that was easy to understand, which made me feel more at ease. After boarding, I knew I was glad I took on the challenge.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Because I was able to enjoy it more than I expected.



4.5 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

The helicopter experience itself was very meaningful and enjoyable. Thank you for the fun flight. I have used it twice so far, and both were enjoyable flights, so I would like to use it again in the future. However, I thought it would be better to correct the fact that the distance between Shin-Kiba and Tokyo Heliport is not as close as stated on the website, where it says it can be reached in one meter.


비행 경로는 하네다 공항 인근 비행로를 피하기 위해 비행 당일의 바람 방향에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.


도쿄 역, 카차바시(勝鬨橋), 도쿄 타워, 궁궐 (皇居), 함리쿠 궁정(浜離宮恩賜庭園), 레인보우 브리지, 오다이바, 로폰기 (六本木), 세이슈 텐엔 (清澄庭園), 카사이린카이 공원 (葛西臨海公園), 도쿄 스카이 트리


1224의 승객이 탑승했습니다!

헬리콥터를 타는 이유는 무엇인가요?

파일럿 추천! 가성비 최고! 도쿄 상공을 합리적인 가격에 헬리콥터로 즐길 수 있습니다. 도쿄 타워, 도쿄 스카이 트리, 레인보우 브리지 등 주요 관광 명소가 가까이에서 볼 수 있습니다!

인스타그램에서 팔로우하세요!!

자세한 내용

비행 경로는 하네다 공항 인근 비행로를 피하기 위해 비행 당일의 바람 방향에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.


도쿄 역, 카차바시(勝鬨橋), 도쿄 타워, 궁궐 (皇居), 함리쿠 궁정(浜離宮恩賜庭園), 레인보우 브리지, 오다이바, 로폰기 (六本木), 세이슈 텐엔 (清澄庭園), 카사이린카이 공원 (葛西臨海公園), 도쿄 스카이 트리

  • 집합 장소

    도쿄 헬리포트

  • 주소

    〒 136-0082 도쿄 헬리포트, 도쿄도 코토 구 신기바 4-7-25, 우편번호 136-0082

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    신기바 역

    JR 케이요 선, 도쿄 메트로 유라쿠초 선 및 린카이 선.

    JR 신기바 역에서 택시나 버스로 5분 거리입니다.
    예약이 확정된 후에 자세한 내용을 안내해 드립니다.

꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

장미 12송이 ~ 108송이


큰 꽃다발


계절 꽃다발


서프라이즈 방법


GoPro 대여

비행에서의 추억을 남기고 싶으세요? 우리는 SD 카드를 제공하여 비행 당일에 데이터를 가져가실 수 있습니다.


차량 대여 픽업 및 드롭 서비스

헬리포트로의 여행을 특별한 추억으로 만들어 보세요. 비행 전후에는 개인 운전사가 공항으로 이동해 드립니다.
* 다른 지역으로 이동을 원하시는 경우 연락해 주세요.


비행에서의 추억을 남기고 싶으세요? 우리는 SD 카드를 제공하여 비행 당일에 데이터를 가져가실 수 있습니다.


꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

100 송이의 장미 꽃다발
100%의 사랑
12 송이의 장미 꽃다발
40 송이의 장미 꽃다발
진실한 사랑
108 송이의 장미 꽃다발
99+1 송이의 장미 꽃다발
기내 1송이 + 착륙 후 99송이, 서프라이즈 연출에 사용하세요!
큰 꽃다발
시즌의 꽃다발

헬리포트로의 여행을 특별한 추억으로 만들어 보세요. 비행 전후에는 개인 운전사가 공항으로 이동해 드립니다.
* 다른 지역으로 이동을 원하시는 경우 연락해 주세요.

차량 취소 정책

비행 전날 오후 6:00 이후 : 환불 불가
비행 취소 시 : 전액 환불
  • 집합 장소

    도쿄 헬리포트

  • 주소

    〒 136-0082 도쿄 헬리포트, 도쿄도 코토 구 신기바 4-7-25, 우편번호 136-0082

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    신기바 역

    JR 케이요 선, 도쿄 메트로 유라쿠초 선 및 린카이 선.

    JR 신기바 역에서 택시나 버스로 5분 거리입니다.
    예약이 확정된 후에 자세한 내용을 안내해 드립니다.


타인/승객 법적 책임 보험세부사항

아래의 운항 업체들,

아카기 헬리콥터, 타쿠미 항공사, 쓰쿠바 항공 재팬 플라이트 서비스 유히 항공


운항 항공사가 날씨 등으로 비행을 취소할 경우, 운임 전액을 환불합니다(은행 송금 수수료 제외).
조종사가 승인하고 날씨 조건이 지정된 기준을 충족하는 한 비행이 출발됩니다.

아래와 같은 방법으로 결제할 수 있습니다

날씨 불량 등으로 인한 결항 :전액 환불
여행 예정일 10일 전부터 8일 전까지 연락 :20%
여행 예정일 7일 전부터 2일 전까지 연락 :30%
여행 예정일 1일 전까지의 연락 :40%
여행 시작 당일에 취소하는 경우 :50%
여행 시작 후의 취소 또는 무통보 불참 :100%

단, 악천후 등으로 인해 항공편이 불가능한 경우에는 예외로 합니다.

【일정 변경】

여행 예정일 4일 전까지 변경 가능 (수수료 없음) ※1회에 한함

여행 예정일 3일 전 이후에는 취소 정책에 따라 수수료가 발생합니다.

총 무게 제한

: 220kg (수하물 포함)

인당 최대

: 110kg

화물 공간이 부족하여, 수화물은 무릎에 올려야 합니다.


【5인승 캐빈】

총 무게 제한

: 370kg (수하물 포함)

인당 최대

: 110kg

화물 공간이 부족하여, 수화물은 무릎에 올려야 합니다.

문의 양식을 통해 단체 예약을 접수합니다.

4.9 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 13 리뷰
4.9 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 13 리뷰
  • 2407310175
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-07-31
  • 성별  

It was an incredible flight! Beautiful views, stunning day luckily for our helicopter ride. The pilot accidentally only did a 10 minute flight but once we landed we didn’t care as it was as such an amazing experience but they offered to take us back up for the full 15 minutes again! We accepted and had an awesome experience, would highly recommend. Staff were so lovely and understanding of our poor Japanese speaking skills.

  • 2405310196
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-05-31
  • 성별  

Amazing! Very professional and friendly staff. Smooth flight and breathtaking views over the city. I would recommend it everyone who wants to experience something unique.

  • 2404300197
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-04-30
  • 성별  

Excellent tour in Japan. Officers are nice and kind. The pilot is proficient and he flew the helicopter very steadily. Strongly recommend!

  • 2404300209
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-04-30
  • 성별  

It was refreshing to see the skyscrapers of Tokyo, Tokyo Tower, the Imperial Palace, and the Skytree, all of which looked like a diorama. The female pilot was engaged in serious discussions with the control tower, and I felt reassured that she was driving safely. Thank you very much.

  • 2402290257
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-02-29
  • 성별  

I was able to see the Skytree up close. It was great to be able to experience things you can't really understand without riding it, like perspective and acceleration. The staff were very kind, and I was able to ride the helicopter with peace of mind. I was very satisfied.

  • 2402290143
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2024-02-29
  • 성별  

I was able to see the Sky Tree up close. It was good to have an experience that you can not understand unless you ride it, such as perspective and acceleration. The staff were very kind and were able to ride a helicopter with confidence. I am very satisfied.

  • 2305310244
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-05-31
  • 성별  

I was worried about motion sickness, but it was very stable and I wasn't scared, so I was able to enjoy it. He may have been a very good pilot. Being able to take photos and videos freely was also a great feature! Next time I would like to book a flight with a night view.

  • 2303240028
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-03-24
  • 목적  Sightseeing
  • 나이  30님의
  • 성별  man

It was wonderfull, it was our first helicopter flight and we enjoyed every second of it! The view was marvelous. The weather was our Main concern, but the little Rain we had was no issue. The pilot was very professional and we never had any fear or concerns. Also the straff was very nice and forthcoming.

  • 2303150029
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-03-15
  • 목적  Birthday
  • 나이  30님의
  • 성별  woman

Great experience end-to-end.

1. Clear website. I was surprised how booking was super easy and the team was so responsive. Provided clear guidance on email. Impressed.

2. On the day, the staff who greeted and bried us were warm and kind throughout the process.

3. The journey felt safe with an experienced pilot. We were guided throughout the tour on the sights we shouldn't miss.

Great experience for an affordable price. We'll book again for a night tour one day!
I booked this for my husband's birthday and he is so happy with this experience!!!
Please thank all the staff and pilot for us!!!

  • 2210090026
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.9
  • 탑승일 2022-10-09
  • 목적  誕生日
  • 나이  40님의
  • 성별  woman

This was my first time flying and the ride was comfortable and not at all bumpy as I expected. It was great to be able to sit next to the pilot as well. My passenger was very happy. Thank you very much.

  • 2207200027
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.9
  • 탑승일 2022-07-20
  • 목적  記念
  • 나이  40님의
  • 성별  woman

It was cheaper than others I had researched and easier to get in touch with on line. I had the feeling that the travel-loving types might be just as pleased with the travel experience. I was nervous when we arrived at the heliport because of the tight security, but the person who was in charge of us until we boarded explained everything to the beginners in a way that was easy to understand, which made me feel more at ease. After boarding, I knew I was glad I took on the challenge.

  • 2003210010
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2020-03-21
  • 목적  デート
  • 나이  20님의
  • 성별  woman

Because I was able to enjoy it more than I expected.

  • 2002250009
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.5
  • 탑승일 2020-02-25
  • 목적  観光
  • 나이  10님의
  • 성별  man

The helicopter experience itself was very meaningful and enjoyable. Thank you for the fun flight. I have used it twice so far, and both were enjoyable flights, so I would like to use it again in the future. However, I thought it would be better to correct the fact that the distance between Shin-Kiba and Tokyo Heliport is not as close as stated on the website, where it says it can be reached in one meter.

여행 조건

최소 출발 인원 1명
기획・실시 일반사단법인 일본여행업협회 정회원
도쿄도 지사 등록 여행업 제2-7428호
〒102-0083 5F WeWork Kojimachi, Banchokoujimachi Building, 6-6-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
