오사카 상공을 저렴하게 즐길 수 있어요!
닌토쿠 천황릉을 하늘에서 즐기는 12분

비행 시간


star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

가격(세금 포함)/ 플라이트

48,000 JPY

/편 (최대 3 명 탑승 가능)

항공 요금

비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 48,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 16,000 JPY /자리
2명 24,000 JPY /자리
1명 48,000 JPY /자리
비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 48,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 16,000 JPY /자리
2명 24,000 JPY /자리
1명 48,000 JPY /자리

오사카, 사카이시에 위치한 세계문화유산인 닌토쿠 천황이 잠들어 있는 다이센릉 고분 등을 돌아보는 유리한 비행. 헬리콥터라서 고분의 전경을 공중에서 즐길 수 있습니다. 난코-코스모 타워, 아베노 하루카스 등 오사카의 랜드마크에도 주목하세요. 간사이 관광이나 자유 연구에 추천합니다.

star_rating_image 5.05 리뷰


4.8 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Very friendly, no problems. The meeting place was difficult to find.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

The response was very good. The response was very good. The response was very good.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

They were very kind and very easy to talk to. During the flight, he explained a lot of information about the tombs to my son, and when he sensed that my son was a little anxious, he said to him, "Don't worry," and we were able to enjoy the flight very comfortably. He even took a picture with us at the end, which was a great memory for us. Thank you very much. The person who explained the tour to us and the person who was doing the maintenance were both very courteous and helpful. They were very attentive to our needs. When we arrived at the heliport, three people were waiting for us at the heliport and greeted us with a "welcome back", which made us feel very warm. The reservation process was very easy to understand ^ ^ I was not sure if my e-mail environment was not good or not, but I was not sure where the meeting place was. However, while I was lost, you found me and called me, and you were very kind to me. Thank you very much. We had our picture taken at the end of the tour, and we would have been happy if you could have taken a picture like the ones taken at the tourist attractions to commemorate our visit. Actually, I had made a reservation last summer, but my family had a corona just before the trip, so I had to cancel the trip and the helicopter ride. I remember that you were very kind to us at that time and we were very grateful. I had made a surprise reservation for my son at that time, but this time I had told him about it and we were both really looking forward to it. He was so excited to see the helicopter for the first time and it was great! He was very happy. Of course I was also very satisfied! Thank you very much.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

Thank you for your kindness and friendly attitude, and for taking pictures.



5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image

At first, I imagined the pilot to be a stiff and dignified MacArthur-like man, but the pilot who flew with us was very friendly! I was a little nervous on my first helicopter ride and my partner and I were talking on the way home about how glad we were to have him as our pilot. I am a little worried that her heart is playing games with the pilot, but I would love to ride with her again if I have the chance. Thank you so much for this time!



해당 날짜에 대한 요청 예약

*이 플랜은 요청에 따라 이용 가능합니다. 당사 직원이 가용성을 확인한 후에 연락드립니다.

헬리콥터를 타는 이유는 무엇인가요?

오사카, 사카이시에 위치한 세계문화유산인 닌토쿠 천황이 잠들어 있는 다이센릉 고분 등을 돌아보는 유리한 비행. 헬리콥터라서 고분의 전경을 공중에서 즐길 수 있습니다. 난코-코스모 타워, 아베노 하루카스 등 오사카의 랜드마크에도 주목하세요. 간사이 관광이나 자유 연구에 추천합니다.

항공 요금

비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 48,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 16,000 JPY /자리
2명 24,000 JPY /자리
1명 48,000 JPY /자리
비행료 (최대 3인 탑승) 48,000 JPY(세금 포함)
탑승 인원1인당 요금
3명 16,000 JPY /자리
2명 24,000 JPY /자리
1명 48,000 JPY /자리

인스타그램에서 팔로우하세요!!

자세한 내용


  • 집합 장소

    야오 공항

  • 주소

    〒 581-0043 야오 공항, 오사카 부 시 야오시 공항 2-12

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    JR 규호우지 역, 오사카 메트로 야오 미나미 역

    JR 야마토 지선 규호우지 역, 역에서 택시로 10분 거리입니다.

    오사카 메트로 타니마치 라인 야오 미나미 역, 역에서 택시로 5분 거리입니다.

    예약 후에 자세한 정보를 보내드립니다.

꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

큰 꽃다발


계절 꽃다발


서프라이즈 방법


GoPro 대여

비행에서의 추억을 남기고 싶으세요? 우리는 SD 카드를 제공하여 비행 당일에 데이터를 가져가실 수 있습니다.


꽃 선물

소중한 사람과 더 기억에 남는 추억을 만들어 보세요? 비행이 끝난 후에 스태프가 꽃다발을 전해 드립니다. 구매 양식에서 원하는 꽃을 선택할 수 있습니다.

큰 꽃다발
시즌의 꽃다발
  • 집합 장소

    야오 공항

  • 주소

    〒 581-0043 야오 공항, 오사카 부 시 야오시 공항 2-12

    구글 지도 참조하기
  • 접근 정보

    JR 규호우지 역, 오사카 메트로 야오 미나미 역

    JR 야마토 지선 규호우지 역, 역에서 택시로 10분 거리입니다.

    오사카 메트로 타니마치 라인 야오 미나미 역, 역에서 택시로 5분 거리입니다.

    예약 후에 자세한 정보를 보내드립니다.


타인/승객 법적 책임 보험세부사항

아래의 운항 업체들,

퍼스트 플라잉 유한회사


운항 항공사가 날씨 등으로 비행을 취소할 경우, 운임 전액을 환불합니다(은행 송금 수수료 제외).
조종사가 승인하고 날씨 조건이 지정된 기준을 충족하는 한 비행이 출발됩니다.

아래와 같은 방법으로 결제할 수 있습니다

날씨 불량 등으로 인한 결항 :전액 환불
여행 예정일 10일 전부터 8일 전까지 연락 :20%
여행 예정일 7일 전부터 2일 전까지 연락 :30%
여행 예정일 1일 전까지의 연락 :40%
여행 시작 당일에 취소하는 경우 :50%
여행 시작 후의 취소 또는 무통보 불참 :100%

단, 악천후 등으로 인해 항공편이 불가능한 경우에는 예외로 합니다.

【일정 변경】

여행 예정일 4일 전까지 변경 가능 (수수료 없음) ※1회에 한함

여행 예정일 3일 전 이후에는 취소 정책에 따라 수수료가 발생합니다.

총 무게 제한

: 220kg (수하물 포함)

인당 최대

: 110kg

화물 공간이 부족하여, 수화물은 무릎에 올려야 합니다.

문의 양식을 통해 단체 예약을 접수합니다.

5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 5 리뷰
5.0 star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image 5 리뷰
  • 2306180106
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 4.8
  • 탑승일 2023-06-18
  • 성별  man

Very friendly, no problems. The meeting place was difficult to find.

  • 2305110107
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-05-11
  • 성별  woman

The response was very good. The response was very good. The response was very good.

  • 2305040108
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-05-04
  • 성별  woman

They were very kind and very easy to talk to. During the flight, he explained a lot of information about the tombs to my son, and when he sensed that my son was a little anxious, he said to him, "Don't worry," and we were able to enjoy the flight very comfortably. He even took a picture with us at the end, which was a great memory for us. Thank you very much. The person who explained the tour to us and the person who was doing the maintenance were both very courteous and helpful. They were very attentive to our needs. When we arrived at the heliport, three people were waiting for us at the heliport and greeted us with a "welcome back", which made us feel very warm. The reservation process was very easy to understand ^ ^ I was not sure if my e-mail environment was not good or not, but I was not sure where the meeting place was. However, while I was lost, you found me and called me, and you were very kind to me. Thank you very much. We had our picture taken at the end of the tour, and we would have been happy if you could have taken a picture like the ones taken at the tourist attractions to commemorate our visit. Actually, I had made a reservation last summer, but my family had a corona just before the trip, so I had to cancel the trip and the helicopter ride. I remember that you were very kind to us at that time and we were very grateful. I had made a surprise reservation for my son at that time, but this time I had told him about it and we were both really looking forward to it. He was so excited to see the helicopter for the first time and it was great! He was very happy. Of course I was also very satisfied! Thank you very much.

  • 2303110052
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2023-03-11
  • 목적  観光
  • 나이  40님의
  • 성별  man

Thank you for your kindness and friendly attitude, and for taking pictures.

  • 2208310053
  • star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image star_rating_image
  • 5.0
  • 탑승일 2022-08-31
  • 목적  デート
  • 나이  20님의
  • 성별  man

At first, I imagined the pilot to be a stiff and dignified MacArthur-like man, but the pilot who flew with us was very friendly! I was a little nervous on my first helicopter ride and my partner and I were talking on the way home about how glad we were to have him as our pilot. I am a little worried that her heart is playing games with the pilot, but I would love to ride with her again if I have the chance. Thank you so much for this time!

여행 조건

최소 출발 인원 1명
기획・실시 일반사단법인 일본여행업협회 정회원
도쿄도 지사 등록 여행업 제2-7428호
〒102-0083 5F WeWork Kojimachi, Banchokoujimachi Building, 6-6-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

해당 날짜에 대한 요청 예약
