衝鋒(含税)/ 航班
127,200 日元
1 包機費用 3人可登機
I was a little bit selfish, but you were willing to help me out. Thank you for your cheerful response; since I am registered on line, it was easy to select and pay for the service. I appreciate that we were able to make a reservation the day before and it was fine. I made the reservation after confirming that there would be no weather problems because I didn't want to disappoint my passengers because of evening showers during this season. It was a big help. It was a big hit. They wanted a place to grab onto the front seat. Female. Please apply for this in your hometown. I am self-financed, so thank you.
I waited without boarding, but my family of three was very excited and seemed to enjoy the experience. Thank you for your prompt response to questions I had about parking, waiting, and other concerns.
彩虹橋, 勝hat橋, 東京站, 秋葉原, 東京巨蛋, 皇宮, 新宿區, 明治神宮(雷線), 澀谷區, 羽田機場, 六本木新城, 東京鐵塔, 兩國國技館, 天空樹, 淺草寺